Pure Passion International Limited

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   Mr. Greg Folletts

  (The wine maker of

   Lake Breeze Wine)

The flooded vines at Lake Breeze Winery

Vineyard      :   Folletts Lake Breeze Winery 


Wine Maker :  Greg Folletts


Mr. Greg Folletts was raised on the family farm (dairy and vineyard), and along with 2 brothers and 2 sisters, is part of the 4th generation of Folletts to work on the family property.


In 1990, Greg graduated from Roseworthy Agricultural College with a degree in Winemaking, and over the next few years worked several vintages in Australia, as well as in California and France.    He returned in 1992, to his parents Ken and Mariene’s property to commence making wine and to take a more active role in the family’s newly established winery. 


The first two wines Greg made under the Lake Breeze label from the 1992 vintage both won trophies.  The 1992 ‘Bernoota’ was awarded 2 trophies, including ’Best Dry Red of the Show’ at the McLaren Vale Wine Show, and the 1992 Cabernet Sauvignon won a trophy for ’Champion Dry Red’ at the Australian Small Winemaker’s Show.  Together these wines accumulated 12 gold medals and 3 trophies. 


The New winery designed by Greg was built in 1998.  It houses small open top fermenters which enables Greg to focus on a traditional style of winemaking.  Greg belives his greatest assets are the old vines on the property and the concentrated  fruit they produce.  This enables Greg to take a minimalist approach and allows the fruite to speak for itself.  He takes a ‘hands on’ approach, responsible for all facets, from fruit selection through to sales and marketing.





美研究:每天至少喝3杯咖啡 抑制肝病惡化

http://d.yimg.com/a/i/hk/nws/p/afp.gif(法新社)20091022 星期四 14:35

(法新社華盛頓    21日電) 今天公布的研究顯示,針對到咖啡館品茗咖啡,美國 研究人員找到另一個好理由:每天喝數杯咖啡,可抑制肝臟疾病惡化。


在這項研究中,766人參與C型肝炎抗病毒防肝硬化    長期治療實驗,他們全是對抗病毒藥物沒有反應的C型肝炎患者,實驗要他們報告每日喝進多少杯咖啡。



研究人員對喝咖啡可防肝病惡化提出幾項功效,包括可藉以降低與肝病息息相關的第二型糖尿病    機率,或減輕可導致肝纖維化與肝硬化的炎症。

(譯者:中央社王黛麗 )


不少人每天都愛喝一兩杯咖啡提提神,瑞典科學家研究發現,每日飲兩杯咖啡,可減低中風風險達14%。 瑞典斯得哥爾摩卡羅林斯卡學院(KarolinskaInstitute)科學家蒐集了過去45 年有關咖啡對健康影響的8個研究的數據,當中涉及近50 萬人,經分析後發現每日喝兩杯咖啡,可減低腦內血凝塊的風險達14%,日飲34 杯咖啡, 風險更減少17%,但喝多過4 杯則不會增加保護作用;那些日飲逾6 杯的上癮者,風險只減了7%專家提醒:可致血壓高研究員指出,咖啡內的抗氧化物保護腦內血管免受脂蛋白(即俗稱壞膽固醇)破壞。但科學家強調咖啡有好亦有壞處,它會引致血壓高的問題同樣值得關注。(每日郵報)